We are located at:

Lodge Carron 139

234 Main Street



Scotland UK

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Tuesday 9th July 2024


Right Worshipful Master Brother George Mawhinnie

Photo by kind permission


The brethren of Lodge Carron No.139 intend to visit Lodge Hibernian No.95 Cork Ireland in 2026 a savings fund will be available for any brother who wishes to save on a regular basis with a standing order from 1st June 2024 if you wish to do so please make sure you put your name as a reference the details are as follows: Name: THOMAS MEIKLE, Account No: 78332544,   Sort Code: 04-00-03, IBAN: GB02 MONZ 0400 0378 3325 44


LODGE ALMONER: CHARLIE MACVICAR  charliemacvicar@hotmail.com 

Wednesday 24th April 2024 Lodge Almoner

Almoners Report See Lodge Almoners News Desk Page 


Brethren, as Lodge Almoner I am available to help any  Brother /Widow who may require assistance. Please do not hesitate you can contact me at the above email address. The Almoner can only help if you keep him informed for any assistance/visit that may be required.

LODGE SECRETARY: KENNETH MACLENNAN lodgecarron139@yahoo.co.uk 

!NEW! Tuesday 9th July 2024 Lodge Secretary

RWM Brother George Mawhinnie requests the attendance of all PM's & OB's for the regular General Committee Meeting to be held on Monday: Date to be confirmed 

PGLS:RWPGM GORDON W.S. SEWELL                                      PGLS SECRETARY: RONNIE HAY                            ronnie.hay391@gmail.com

CARRON ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER No.478                                SCRIBE "E" PZ DAVID DUNCAN       Carron478scribe@gmail.com


This is the Official Website of Lodge Carron No.139 if you have comments for the benefit of this site or the Lodge in general please contact the Lodge Webmaster: alanbreid47@gmail.com

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