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In memory of WJW Brother Lyndsay Wannan

19th December 2024 Lodge Carron 139 I had the honour and privilege to take the pictures of the Cheque presentation to F.V.H.Neurology Department who were represented by Rosly Grant,Operational Manager, Kay Mair, Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist, Magnus Corkish, Parkinson’s Nurse Specialtist. It was on behalf of the late WJW Brother Lindsay Wannan who passed away in 2020 also WSW Lodge Corkerhill No.1426, Lovely Jean Wannan (wife of the late Lindsay) handed over a number off spirit bottles to Brother Almoner No.139 and asked if we could raise money for the Neurology (F.V.H.) our WJW Bro Jim MacAulay PM, took control of this project, what an excellent job he did which made over £1,030 well done WJW Brother Jim MacAulay PM who is RWM Lodge Carron 139 and was very disappointed that he was unable to attend the cheque presentation due to work commitments but thanked everyone that helped to raise this excellent amount and is thinking of the family of the late WJW Bro Lindsay Wannan at this time. The cheque was handed over by Bro George Mawhinnie IPM and Bro Kenneth Maclennan Secretary 139, The staff from Neurology Department, thanked Lodge Carron 139 Brethren and Mrs Jean Wannan for this wonderful cheque and the amount for their Ward which will greatly help.Photo with kind permission: Report by Brother Charlie MacVicar DoC No.139

Photos by kind permission

On Saturday 4th May 2024 presentations were made by RWM Brother George Mawhinnie to two local charities.


L to R - Helen Beurskens, RWM Brother George Mawhinnie. Michelle Jamieson, Brother Jim Jarvie, 
Monday 22nd April 2024 Charity Name: Cradle to Crayons Play Group Photo by kind permission


Photo by kind permission

LARBERT HIGH SCHOOL BREAKFAST EVENT 2019 Secretary Kenneth Maclennan, Brethren this morning Thursday 28th November 2019 I was able to attend Larbert High School and donate a cheque as agreed by the GCM at the November 11th meeting. Also handed over were two carrier bags full with packets of breakfast cereal kindly donated by Brother Scott Jamieson. The senior pupils were really excellent hosts.


Photo by kind permission

Brother Gordon "Charlie MacVicar" recently made a very generous personal donation, independent from the Lodge to two very worthwhile causes. Brother Charlie himself donated 3 x bottles of malt whiskey and was extremely grateful to received a further, very exclusive one from a close friend to auction off. Charlie invited donations via social media and was absolutely delighted to have received a very generous offer of £300.00 


Photo by kind permission

At Saturday's Annual Installation of PGL Office-bearers on Saturday 23rd February 2019 Brother Charlie McVicar was thrilled to hand over one cheque for £150.00 to Brother Lenny McComb PM PGJ Chaplain for Brother Lenny's personal charity fundraising efforts for Strathcarron Hospice. Brother Charlie also presented a cheque for £150.00 to Brother Alistair Marshall RWPGM for Brother Alistair's own personal charity/choice and a decision on where this will go to will be finalised at upcoming communications. A wonderful gesture by Brother Charlie and is to be applauded for these very well received donations a great effort.


Names and picture by kind permission

As a result of some very generous donations from various sister Masonic Orders/Lodges, I was humbled and delighted to present a fantastic cheque totaling £1050.00 to the members of The Seagull Trust- Falkirk Branch on Wednesday 5th December 2018 a fitting way, I believe to end my term as Master of the Lodge. I was delighted to be accompanied by my dear friends, Worthy Matron Elizabeth Dicker and Worthy Patron Jimmy Mackie from Carronvale Order of The Easter Star Chapter No. 64 who made a significant donation prior to their Chapter going into dormancy. The other groups who so generously contributed were Carron Royal Arch Chapter No. 478, Falkirk Cryptic Council No. 210, Lodge St Clair Glasgow No. 362 and the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Stirlingshire, all of whom I am a privileged and very proud member of and delighted to have represented them all. Dr James Sime, Vice Chairman and his son Mr John Sime, Director, from the Falkirk Branch of The Seagull Trust were delighted to accept the cheque which will be used to buy gifts and presents for the Santa Cruises currently taking place during December for some very deserving groups of children and adults with special needs. A wonderful charity indeed and a magnificent gesture by everyone associated with the various groups in Freemasonry. I thank you all. Regards. Brother Tam Meikle RWM 139 


Lodge Carron 139 Charity Presentation

Charlie Kilpatrick PM is pictured presenting cheques to representatives of Larber|t Day Nursery and Carronshore Gala Day on Monday 12th March 20 donations came from the recent Burns supper raffle which PM' Kilpatrick who has organised the Lodge Burns supper for many years was delighted that the cheques would be put to good use within the local area.


On Monday 27th November 2017 along with RWM Brother Tam Meikle visited Burnbrae Residential Home & Daycare Centre when we presented a cheque for a £100 on behalf of the Brethren of Lodge Carron 139 to the homes manager Sarah Haxton & Daycare S.C.W. Lesley  Thomson who both thanked us for the very kind donation and said it would be put to a worthwhile use. RWM Brother Tam Meikle presented a copy of the Lodge history to the home after which we were invited to partake of the home's hospitality. Report and photo acknowledged by Brother Lindsay Wannan JD


22nd February 2017

On Wednesday morning I also had the pleasure of representing Lodge Carron 139 in presenting a cheque for £75.00 to Larbert East Playgroup from the funds raised at our recent Annual Fundraising Burns Supper. I was greeted to a very sincere and warm welcome by members of the group as well as many very happy and contented children and enjoyed several cups of coffee and cake whilst listening to how the funds would be used. Elizabeth Spalding from the Larbert East Group also informed me that the most welcome funds woud be put towards the purchase of toys, paints, and craft materials which the children would have great fun using. The group expressed their extreme gratitude to all at Lodge Carron for considering and indeed choosing them to be the recipient of our donation. On this occasion I expressed Lodge Carron's pleasure and delight in being able to help in our own small way to this very worthwhile local volunteer group and wished them every success for the future. It was a very rewarding exercise indeed filling me with pride in representing Lodge Carron 139. Report by RWM Tam Meikle

PLEASE NOTE: Kind permission was granted by the volunteers and parents for the use of this photo.                        

22nd February 2017

On Wednesday morning  I had the pleasure of representing Lodge Carron 139 in presenting a cheque for £75.00 to Larbert West Toddlers & 2's Group from the funds raised at our recent Annual Fundraising Burns Supper. I was greeted to a very sincere and warm welcome by members of the group as well as many very happy and contented children and enjoyed several cups of coffee and cake whilst listening to how the funds would be used. Annete Johnston from the Larbert West Group explained that much needed new toys as well as a security gate to cordon off the kitchen area would be purchased with the help of our donation. The group expressed their extreme gratitude to all at Lodge Carron for considering and indeed choosing them to be the recipient of our donation. On this occasion I expressed Lodge Carron's pleasure and delight in being able to help in our own small way to this very worthwhile local volunteer group and wished them every success for the future. It was a very rewarding exercise indeed filling me with pride in representing Lodge Carron 139. Report by RWM Tam Meikle PLEASE NOTE: Kind permission was granted by the volunteers and parents for the use of this photo. 



on Monday 20th February 2017 I was invited to the Knit and Natter Group, which is held in the Tryst Community Centre to present a cheque for £75.00 from Lodge Carron 139 from sums of money raised after our recent annual fundraising Burns Supper. I was warmly greeted by Margaret Liddle committee member and other members of the group. Margaret explained that the group knitted shawls and blankets which were then sent to Africa and distributed to different  areas and villages for the use of children in need. The donation will be used to purchase much needed wool to allow the group to continue sending such items and all the group wished to sincerely thank everyone at Lodge Carron for their generosity remarking that it was marvellous that we had chosen them as recipients of our donation. After a refreshing cup of coffee and piece of cake I wished the group future success and stated it was Lodge Carron's pleasure to make this donation to such a voluntary group and worthy cause......Report by RWM Tam Meikle                                                                                              

PGL Charity Cycle on behalf of Prostate Scotland Saturday 15th October 2016 at Lodge Carron 139 Brother Paul Garrett taking part many congratulations to Paul and all the other cyclists on completing a very arduous cycle run.


On Monday 7th March 2016 the Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Carron 139 Brother David AD Duncan presented a cheque of £2030.00 to Grandparents of Millie Mr & Mrs McCall. Prior to the presentation Mr McCall gave the. Brethren present an understanding on the condition Millie is suffering from and the efforts of the many who have been fund raising. RWM Brother David AD Duncan would also like to thank ALL organisations and individual parties who contributed to the presentation.


RWM Stuart Stirling seen here presenting a cheque to Karen Mcfarlane (Corporate Fund Raiser) for £1000 towards the charity Kidney Kids Monday 15th June 2015 Kidney Kids Scotland was founded as a Charitable Trust in July 2000 to help children with renal illness and their families.


RWM Stuart Stirling seen here presenting a cheque to Dawn Stuart (Fund Raiser) and Lisa Ross (Trustee) for £1000 towards the charity So-Precious Monday 15th June 2015 So-Precious is a Charity run by volunteers established in Scotland in February 2011. who are dedicated to providing support to Neonatal, Maternity and Paediatric Services within Forth Valley NHS.


Group Photo of our RWM and members with invited guests of Lodge Carron Karen Mcfarlane,Lindsay Wannan,Lisa Ross,Stuart Stirling,Dawn Stuart


Group Photo of our invited guests and members of Lodge Carron 139 Back: Richard Sneddon,Charlie Kilpatrick,Donald Cowan,Kenny Maclennan Front: Karen Mcfarlane,Lindsay Wannan,Lisa Ross,Stuart Stirling,Dawn Stuart


Several photos of the Prostate Scotland Charity Cyclists receiving a Cheque and Charity Box Benevolence from RWM Brother Willie Campbell with Lodge Secretary Brother Kenny Maclennan in attendance on Sunday 19th October 2014


RWM Brother Willie Campbell with representatives of the various charities held within the Lodge premises on Monday evening 10th March 2014


PM Brother Charlie Kilpatrick presenting a cheque for £400 to Ian Donaldson Local Food Bank (Falkirk & District)


PM Brother Stuart Stirling presenting a cheque for £100 to Fay Godfrey Alzheimers (Scotland)


DM Brother Lindsay Wannan presenting a cheque for £50 to David Mackie 5th Mount Gerald Scouts (Stenhousemuir)


Brother George Mawhinnie presenting a cheque for £400 to Judith Stirling Carronshore Primary School (Enhanced Special Needs)

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