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On Saturday 24th February 2024 Brother Charlie MacVicar DM Lodge Carron No.139, RWM Brother John Queenn and Brother Desmond McGowan DM Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229 visited Lodge Dunoon Argyll  No.335 for the Installation of Brother Stephen Arthur Stewart and Officebearers It was an early start for us on Saturday morning just after Burns Supper of the PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward the night before,but looking forward to the visit to Dunoon for the overnight stay. The accomodation was a caravan which was beautiful and outstanding, the facilities were fantastic, swimming pool, sauna, steam room, etc.We had for lunch near the Lodge. The outgoing RWM Brother Mann welcomed everyone into the Temple. There was a large deputation from the PGL of Argyll & Isles headed by WSPGM Brother John Naughton. The three installing Masters did an outstanding installation for Brother Stephen A. Stewart and his Officebearers with his father being in attendance, with 110 brethren signing the book. The Food was outstanding and the ladies looked after us with the harmony being first class. There were three presentations to RWM Brother Stephen, from RWM Brother John Queen Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229, Brother Charlie Macvicar Lodge Carron No.139 many thanks to the RWM and brethren for their very warm welcome and hospitality we wish them well for the coming 12 months in office. Report DM No.139 Pictures with kind permission.

On Saturday 13th February 2024 RWM Brother George Mawhinnie, Brother Charlie MacVicar DM, Brother Allan Baxter SD and Brother Ian Thomson SB, Lodge Carron No.139 visited Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229 for their Annual Installation for Master Elect Brother John Queen and Officebearers at Lodge St Bryde No.579 A large deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward were in attendance headed by WSPGM Brother Robert Ferguson. We were all warmly welcomed into the Temple by RWM Brother John Furlong before demitting office.The three Installing Masters were Brother Captain David D. Johnston PM No.1229, Brother John G. Furlong PM No.1229, Brother Desmond Mcgowan PM No.1229 the new RWM Brother John Queen thanked his three Installing Masters for an excellent Installation with Bro. Desmond McGowan PM his first time as an Installing Master I am sure it will not be his last. RWM Brother John Queen thanked the WSPGM Brother Robert Ferguson and PGL Brethren for coming along and making his day, to the RWM’s and visiting Brethren thank you all for taking the time out to come along and support Lodge Bothwell Brig on this special day for us all. The WSPGM Brother Robert Ferguson replied congratulating RWM Brother John Queen on becoming the new RWM and congratulated his Officebearers for taking up their posts for the coming 12 months. To the Installing Masters a brilliant job well done to all. To the visitors to Lanarkshire Middle Ward within and outwith the Province I welcome you. The hospitality and harmony was excellent, the food was amazing and to finish it off, I was at the top table as a guest of the RWM Brother John Queen 1229, and invited to reply on behalf of the visitors also sitting next to the WSPGM Robert Ferguson was a privilege and and a pleasure to be sitting next to a gentleman who put me at ease and I thank WSPGM for this. Overall it was a brilliant day and thank you RWM Brother John Queen for your hospitality and kind gifts to us all from all at Lodge Carron 139 we wish you, PM’s and brethren all the best and good health for the coming 12 months. Photos with kind permission.

On Saturday 9th December 2023 RWM Brother George Mawhinnie,WSW Brother Stuart Stirling PM,   DM BrotherCharlie MacVicar, SD Brother Allan Baxter Lodge Carron 139. Also present was Brother Jim Rae PM No.139, (Master Elect Fleur-De-Lys) visited Lodge Caldercruix St. John, No.1314 Annual installation for RWM Elect Brother James Kerr and his Officebearers. The Installing Masters Brother Andrew Goodwin PM No.391, Brohert Jeff Spence PM No.1314, Brother Alec Muir PM No.793, Brother Allan Simpson PM No.793 visitors from within the Province of Lanarkshire Middle Ward and outwith the Province were warmly welcomed in to the Temple RWM Brother George Randall who also welcomed a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward headed by WSPGM Brother Colin Campbell. RWM Master elect Bro James Kerr 1314 thanked everyone that took part today and making it a special day for him and his family. The hospitality, food and the caterers who after us at the festival were excellent, many thanks. The toasts were short and sharp but to the point. May I take the opportunity to congratulate RWM Brother James Kerr and his Officebearers for the coming 12 months and be the first to wish all at Caldercruix St. John No.1314 a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year for 2024, from all at Lodge Carron No.139 Pictures with permission. Report by DM Brother Charlie macVicar.

On Friday 8th December 2023 Lodge Carron No.139 held it's Annual Installation for Master Elect Brother George Mawhinnie and his Officebearers. Brother Jim MacAulay IPM opened the Lodge and welcomed all visitors within the Province of Stirlingshire and outwith the Province. A visiting Deputation from the Munster Province, Southern Ireland, Cork with the deputation being headed by WM Brother Hugo Beasse of Lodge Hibernian No.85 also in the deputation was our own Piper Brother Gavin Richardson Lodge Carron 139 who lives there and is a member and Officebearer of Lodge No.85 A large deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire headed by RWPGM Brother Gordon Sewell was admitted with honours, after which the two installing Masters Brother Leonard McComb WSPGM, PM 484, HM 139, 312, 362, 391, 793, 1712 and Brother Stuart Stirling WPGMD, PM 139, HM 362, 391,484 were the Installing Masters for the evening. An excellent Installation by the two Installing PM’s took place. RWM Brother George Mawhinnie congratulated his Installing Masters with Brother McComb making a suitable reply who also mentioned Brother Ian Barron and Brother Alan Reid PM for his musical accompaniment and the Officebearers that took up their various offices for the coming 12 months. RWM welcomed the visitors into Lodge Carron 139, and thanked them for coming along on a special night. With regards to the hospitality I would like to thank RWM's good lady Elaine and his daughter Donna, and Leeann, Erin for cooking excellent food, chicken curry, mac & Cheese, Stovies. The singing and the pipes played down in the lounge was brilliant thanks to all for entertaining us till the small hours. DM 139 Pictures with permission

On Saturday 25th November 2023 I visited Lodge St.John Tulliallan No.598 for theirAnnual Installation of Master Elect Brother John Cowan and his Officebearers who were installed by Installing Masters
Brother John McTaggart PM 598, Brother Malcolm Spiers PM 598, Brother James Methven PM 598
A deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire was headed on this occasion by the WPGMD Brother Stuart Stirling. RWM Brother John Cowan thanked his Installing Masters on behalf of himself and his Officebearers he also thanked the continued support from the Brethren of the Lodge and the Visitors. I had the privilege and the honour in replying on behalf of the visitors inside the Temple. I would also like to thank the many ladies who looked after us with their hospitality, the food was excellent and we wish RWM Brother John Cowan and his Brethren well for the coming 12 months from all at Lodge Carron No.139: Report by Brother Charlie MacVicar Depute Master Photos by kind permission.

On Saturday 25th November 2023 RWM Brother George Mawhinnie Lodge Carron No.139 accompanied by WSW Brother Stuart Stirling PM WPGMD, IPM Brother Jim MacAulay, DM Brother Charlie MacVicar, SD Brother Allan Baxter and IG Brother Arn Fullarton visited Lodge Zetland No.391 for the Annual Installation of RWM Elect Brother Gordon Bruce and his Officbearers. A deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire was headed by RWPGM Brother Gordon Sewell. The Installing Masters were Brother Iain Macdonald PM 391, Brother John Russell IPM 391 with congratulations to the two Installing Masters for an outstanding performance of the RWM and his Officebearers. The new RWM 391 thanked his Installing Masters and congratulated all his Officebearers on being installed into their respective offices. Our best wishes from RWM Brother George Mawhinnie and the Brethren of Lodge Carron 139 for the coming 12 months. Photos by kind permission

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