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                         LODGE PRESENTATIONS

On Wednesday 13th November 2024 Brother Shearer Hendry received his 70 year Jewel & Diploma recognising his long and distinguished service to his Mother Lodge Carron No.139 in the picture with Brother Shearer is RWM Brother George Mawhinnie and Worshipful Substitute Provincial Grand Master Leonard McComb


On Wednesday 24th February 2024 Lodge Carron No.139 held their regular meeting in which Brother Kyle Kirkwood was passed to the second square or fellowcraft degree at the hands of RWM Brother George Mawhinnie and his OB's, also two presentations were made by Depute Master Brother Charlie Macvicar to Prostate Scotland and a Charity still to be nominated by RWPGM Brother Gordon Sewell .WSPGM Brother Leonard McComb made suitable reply and thanked the Depute Master for his very kind donations. Present also was RWSGM of Scotland Brother John McKenzie and a deputation of GL & PGL for the presentation to PM Brother William Cochrane Campbell on his 60 years loyal service to his Mother Lodge.


At the Regular Meeting of the Lodge on Wednesday 27th December 2023 RWM Brother George    Mawhinnie, PM's, OB's and assembled Brethren accompanied by RWPGM Brother Gordon W.S. Sewell and Provincial OB's made presentations to three Brethren namely,Brother Henry Hardie, Brother Archie Comrie on attaining 50  years membership to Lodge Carron No.139 with Brother Alan B.Reid PM receiving the Distinguished Service Membership for his loyal service to the Lodge. The three Brethren made suitable replies who also thanked the Lodge for the presentation of the framed Certificates and their breast jewels. Photos by kind permission

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