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234 Main Street Stenhousemuir


Contact details
Lodge Webmaster email: alanbreid47@gmail.com


Regulatory Authority
The Grand Lodge of Scotland

96 George Street

Edinburgh Scotland U.K.


Masonic Social Media & Scottish Parliament Election

I refer to the above subject and request your assistance to maintain proper Masonic decorum on social media platforms during the build up to the Scottish Parliamentary Elections on 6 May 2021. Political electioneering has only just commenced and I am already receiving notification of  concerns regarding the use of social media. As you are aware there are several Scottish Masonic forums on various digital platforms, the most common being Facebook. I suggest that any Scottish Masonic social media platform is regarded as an extension of the Lodge and therefore has no place for political commentary. I would expect platform administrators to endorse and implement this position. All members of society enjoy the right to freedom of speech and Freemasons are no different. Brethren, however, should be aware, when communicating and expressing an opinion on their own social media accounts, they are subject to the law of the land and their  conduct should at all times be that expected of a member of the Scottish Constitution. Finally, a word of advice, always remember that your digital footprint never disappears and will be there for all to see when the dust settles on any online exchange of views. If in any doubt regarding the content of a post the best course of action will be to press the delete button and leave “keyboard warriors” to their own devices. The busiest Committees in Grand Lodge are the Disciplinary Committee and the Disciplinary Review Committee. Let us not add to their burden over the next few weeks. 


Yours Sincerely and Fraternally 

William M. S. Semple 

Grand Secretary


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