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Lodge Carron 139

234 Main Street



Scotland UK

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Photo by kind permission

Lodge Almoner Brother Charlie MacVicar can be contacted by email: charliemacvicar@hotmail.com


Hospital Visit:
Bro Jock Snedden (Bo'ness )

Home Visits:
Bro Ian Thomson (SwB)
Bro Jim Jarvie 
Bro Jim Hillhouse 
Bro George Scott 
Bro John Lapsley PM


Phone Calls:
WJW Bro Jim MacAulay PM
Bro Derek McMorrow 
Bro Dick Snedden PM

Bro Alan Reid DoC PM
Bro Ian Barron PM 
Mrs Jean Wannan 
Mrs Kayle Finlay
Bro Jim Jarvie 
Bro Ian Thomson SwB


Visited PGL Middle Ward annual Easter Egg hunt.
Report by Almoner 139 Lodge Carron No.139 


On Saturday 12th August 2023 at the Central Perks Cafe Falkirk another successful Lodge Carron 139 Almoner's afternoon tea was held with the ladies and gentleman who have lost loved ones over the past few years and to let them know that all at Lodge Carron 139 the RWM, PM’s and Brethren are here if they need anything and are not forgotten. Thanks again to all for taking the time to come along plus the ladies of Lodge Carron No.139 members who gave up their time to support this function. Good health willing we will be doing this again next year 2024. Many thanks to Central Perks Cafe for hosting this event yet again with outstanding food and excellent service.  

Lodge Almoner Brother Charlie Macvicar suitably supported by RWM Brother George Mawwhinnie.                        Photo with kind permission 


                                                                                  AFTERNOON TEA

On Saturday 26th November 2022 invited Ladies , Mrs Fiona Richardson, Mrs Joan Cassidy, Mrs Dorothy George, Mrs Christine Reid, Mrs Catherine MacKie, Mrs Isobel Snedden and Brother Jim Jarvie came along to Central Perks Falkirk for a get together and afternoon tea, as some of the Ladies have lost their loved ones over the last two or three years and as Almoner of Lodge Carron 139 I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity for them to meet others ladies and gentleman to have a chat. I would like to thank them all for coming and making the few hours a memorable afternoon. I was really proud of them all taking their own time out to attend. Photos with kind permission.

On Saturday 29th October 2022 I was honoured and privileged to be recognised by the Brethren from another Province (Lodge St Andrew Military’s No.668) Lanarkshire Middle Ward. I  was very humbled and with a tear in my eye it made me so proud in what I do and even more proud to be a Freemason. Thanks again IPM John Jack Cheape PM for the kind words to me as a person and Brother I will never forget this day of Installation of Lodge St. Andrew’s Military No.668 and the very appropriate gift to me. Photos by kind permission.

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