On Friday 2nd December 2022 Lodge Corkerhill No.1429 Annual Installation of RWM Brother David Collie and Officebearers 3 Mafeking Street, Glasgow. RWM Brother Jim MacAulay, WSW Brother George Mawhinnie, Almoner Brother Charlie MacVicar, SD Brother Robert Paton & JD Brother Allan Baxter Lodge Carron 139 were warmly welcomed in to the Temple by the outgoing RWM No.1426 Brother William McArthur, PM’s, Office bearers and Brethren. A deputation from the PGL of Glasgow headed on by RWPGM Brother Andrew Mushet. The Installing Masters Brother David T.Arbuckle PM No.1005 Brother Graeme Bell PM N.1426 carryied out the Installation in an exemplary manner. RWM Brother David Collie was a very proud man of the Installing Masters, thanks must got to RWM Brother David Collie (PM) and his Brethren for their excellent hospitality and the chef for an outstanding meal with the serving staff looking after us. We wish the RWM and Brethren of Lodge Corkerhill No.1426 well for the coming year 2022/2023 also Brother Almoner Charlie MacVicar No.139 won two prizes in the raffle also JD Brother Allan Baxter No.139 Pictures with permission