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                         Lodge Visitations P5

On Friday 20th January 2023 Lodge Carron 139 visited Lodge Corkerhill No.1426 with a large deputation of PM's, OB's and Brethren headed by RWM Brother George Mawhinnie to confer the MM Degree. We were warmly welcomed in to the Temple by RWM Brother David Collie and his Brethren. RWM Brother George Mawhinnie was a proud man with his degree team and intimated that they carried out an outstanding working of the MM degree and congratulated them all for their hard work. RWM George Mawhinnie also thanked RWM David Collie for inviting Lodge Carron which was a honour and a privilege to be here as RWM of his Mother Lodge who intimated that we have been friends for many years with Lodge Corkerhill. Brother Mawhinnie said it was emotional when mentioning his great friend our late WJW Brother Lindsay Wannan No.139, who was also WSW No.1426 before his passing to the Grand Lodge above both had been visiting Lodge Corkerhill for many years together. At the conclusion of the evening RWM Brother George Mawhinnie thanked Lodge Corkerhill for their excellent hospitality and until we meet again Brethren stay safe. photos by kind permission DM/Almoner 139.

On Thursday 19th January 2023 I visited Lodge Livingston Stonefield No.599 (Blantyre) with a large deputation from Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229 headed by new RWM Brother John Furlong as an HM it was an honour and privilege to be part of the deputation which carried out the FC degree to a very high standard also well done SD for your first degree. RWM Brother John Furlong was a proud man on the work carried out but his degree team. I would like to thank the RWM No.599 and his Brethren for the warm welcome extended to us on entering his Lodge. Thankyou for the hospitality which was excellent and to the Stewards and Brethren for looking after us. Till the next time we meet stay safe. DM/Almoner Lodge Carron                                                                                                         No.139 HM No.1229 Photo by kind permission

On Tuesday 17th January 2023 RWM Brother George Mawhinnie, Brother Charlie MacVicar DM/Almoner Brother Allan Baxter SD and Brother William Campbell PM of Lodge Carron No.139 visited Lodge Zetland No.391 to witness a FC degree being conferred by Brother Amrit Dillon SM No.391 with a large deputation from Lodges within the Province and outwith was headed by RWM Brother Graham Black No.484 RWM Gordon Bruce welcomed all Visitors and Brethren into the Lodge and hoped they would have a wonderful time tonight. SM Brother Amrit Dillon conferred an excellent FC degree with his team on one candidate. SM Brother Amrit was a proud man in the manner the way his team conducted themselves throughout the degree and thanked them from the bottom of his heart. He gave a few thanks but made an emotional reference regarding his father and his support that he gave him during his steps into Freemasonry. The attendance was 139 Brethren who signed the book. The hospitality was excellent and thank Lodge Zetland No.391 for a very profitable evening. DM/Almoner pictures with permission

On Saturday 14th January 2023 RWM Brother George Mawhinnie, DM/Almoner Brother Charlie Macvicar, and SD Brother Allan Baxter of Lodge Carron No.139 visited the Ceremony of Installation of RWM Elect Brother James Aitken and his Office-Bearers of  The Douglas Lodge No.409 All visitors and Brethren were warmly welcomed into the Temple by IPM Brother D. Pickering. A deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire headed by RWPGM Brother Ronald J. Gemmill with the three Installing Masters Brother Jack Frickleton PM.409, Brother Alan Frickleton PM.409, and Brother Andrew L. Cameron RWM No.272 RWM Elect James Aitken in his comment to the Installing Masters intimated he was a proud man by the manner they conducted the Installation Ceremony. PGM Brother Ronald Gemmill congratulated the Installing Masters for an excellent installation, he also thanked all visiting Brethren for their attendance within and outwith the province of Linlithgowshire. A special mention by the PGM to the Brethren from Denmark and Brethren from England. The RWM No.409 invited us all to remain for some  Lodge hospitality. The hospitality was excellent, also to thank the staff for looking after us during the hospitality. The speakers and artists were excellent. I would like to wish RWM Brother James Aitken and his Brethren all the best for the coming season 2023/2024.  DM/Almoner. Pictures with permission.

On Tuesday 13th December 2022 Lodge Carron No.139 visited Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229 at Hamilton to confer the Entered Apprentice Degree. RWM Brother George Mawhinnie headed the deputation of 14 Brethren including RWM Brother Duncan Osborne St. Andrew’s Military No.688 RWM Brother George who was just installed on Friday 9th December 2022 this was his first visit to confer a degree. RWM Brother George was delighted with the support from the Brethren of the Lodge. We were warmly welcomed into the Temple by RWM Brother Desmond McGowan,PM's and Officebearers. The EA degree was conferred on one candidate. Our own RWM said he was a proud man and thanked his team and Brethren from No.139 for coming along on a cold night. He then thanked RWM Brother Desmond No.1229 for the kind invitation to carry out EA degree and wished RWM and all the Brethren of No.1229 and their families for a happy christmas and a healthy new year 2023 RWM Brother George No.139 presented 48 christmas selection boxes to RWM Brother Desmond McGowan for his charity on behalf of Lodge Carron No.139. RWM No.1229 replied with a big thankyou and intimated the kids will be delighted with them. The biggest surprise was Brother Charlie (Gordon) Macvicar DM/Almoner No.139 being presented with Honorary Membership by RWM 1229 on behalf of the Brethren No.1229 it was an honour not only for myself but also for Lodge Carron No.139 I was privileged that another Lodge outside the Province of Stirlingshire thought a lot about me and felt they wanted to give me this honour. Many thanks again Brethren of Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229 the hospitality was outstanding thank for the stewards for looking after us so well, we did go a way with a few raffle prizes but sadly on this occasion I was not lucky. Pictures with permission

On Saturday 3rd December 2022 I was privelaged to witness an excellent Installation at Lodge Bannockburn Bruce and Thistle No.312 at the Masonic Hall, Bannockburn. Accompanied by Brethren from Lodge Carron No.139 WSW Brother George Mawhinnie, Brother Almoner Charlie MacVicar, Brother Stuart Stirling (PM) WPGMD many congratulations to RWM Brother David Stevenson on attaining the chair of King Solomon and the Officebearers all the best for the ensuing year. Congratulations also to the Installing Masters Brother John Cowan RWM (PM) No.598, Brother Clint Swan PM No.312, Brother Thomas Campbell PM N.312 for an excellent Installation. I would like to thank the Bar staff’ and the waitress plus the chef for a excellent meal and to RWM No.312 for an outstanding festival of St. John. All the best to all at No.312, catch up again soon. Almoner Lodge Carron No.139 Brother Charlie MacVicar won a raffle prize Pictures with permission.

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