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                         Lodge Visitations P2

On Saturday 24th September 2022, WSW Brother George Mawhinnie, DOC Brother Alan Reid (PM) and  Brother Charlie (Gordon) MacVicar Almoner Lodge Carron No.139, also present was RWM Brother Jim MacAulay (Lodge Carron No.139) under the banner of his Provincial Office..We attended Lodge St. Servanus No. 771, (1920-2020) 100th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony for the Rededication of the Temple. We were all extended a warm welcome by RWM Brother Robert Russell McKendrick PM’s, Officebearers and Brethren. The Ceremony of Rededication was conducted by RWPGM Brother Gordon W.S. Sewell and his Officebearers with the Rededication carried out to a very high standard, accompanying the RWPGM is PPGM Brother John McKenzie (Grand Junior Warden) and PPGM Brother Andrew McKinnon. We were invited to stay for Lodge hospitality. The meal was excellent well done to the chef and his staff. Many thanks to Lodge St. Serrvanus No. 771 for an outstanding afternoon and we wish your Brethren well for  future years. Lodge Almoner 139 Brother Charlie McVicar (Pictures with permission)

On Tuesday 6th September 2022 RWM Brother Jim MacAulay, IPM Brother Stuart Stirling WSW Brother George Mawhinnie, Almoner Brother Charlie MacVicar, JD Brother Allan Baxter and SB Brother Ian Thomson of Lodge Carron No.139 viaited Lodge Zetland No.391 (Grangemouth) to witness an EA degree carried out to a very high standard on a stand-in candidate Brother Gray of Lodge Zetland No.391 RWM Brother John Russell, PM’s, Officebearers and Brethren extended to their visitors a very warm welcome into the Temple. The hospitality was excellent and to thank the Brethren of Lodge Zetland No.391 for looking after us. Photos by kind permission

On Saturday 3rd September 2022, Masonic Temple, Garden Street, Uddingston, (Lodge St. Bryde No. 579) RWM Brother Jim MacAulay with the following Brethren from Lodge Carron No.139 WSW Brother George Mawhinnie, Secretary Brother Kenneth Maclennan, Almoner Brother Charlie MacVicar, DOC Brother Alan B Reid (PM), SD Brother Robert Paton, JD Brother Allan Baxter, BB Brother Dougie Thomson, SB Brother Ian Thomson, SS Brother Arn Fullarton, Brother Jim McFarlane and Brother Alex McArdle Lodge No.588. visited Lodge Bothewell Brig No.1229 for the Centenary Celebration/Ceremony of Rededication with their RWM Brother Desmond McGowan. The Ceremony was also attended by by Brother James C. Peddie RW Substitute Grand Master and the OB's of the Grand Lodge of Scotland who carried out the  ceremony of rededication in a very professional and dignified manner, a proud moment for RWM Brother Desmond McGowan No.1229, PM's, Officebearers and Brethren, also in attendance was RWPGM Brother Andrew D. Millar and members of Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward. All were  warmly welcomed into the Lodge by the RWM Brother Desmond McGowan No.1229. The Celebration Dinner and hospitality was excellent with the toasts outstanding also well done to all but more in particular Brother Duncan Mulholland PM No.579, HM No.1229 for the short history on Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229, I on a personnal note will look forward to reading the history book that we’re all presented with. RWM Brother Jim MacAulay No.139 and the Brethren of Lodge Carron No.139 thank you all for an excellent day and your friendship towards Lodge Carron No.139, and may your Lodge  Bothwell Brig No.1229 go from strength to strength, and wish you all the best for the future. Thanks again for your hospitality (RWM 1229 just to let you know Almoner 139 won a raffle with his own ticket pictures with permission.

Thursday 1st September 2022 WSW Brother George Mawhinnie and Brother Charlie MacVicar Almoner Lodge Carron 139 visited Lodge Livingstonstone Stonefield No.599 (Blantyre, Lanarkshire Middle Ward)   We  entered the Lodge with our good friends as part of their deputation headed on this occasion by their RWM Brother Ian Cowans of Lodge St Bryde No.579 who we’re conferring the EA degree, the degree team did an outstanding job to a very high standard, RWM Brother Ian Cowans was a proud man as this was his last deputation to work a degree as he steps down as RWM of Lodge St Bryde No.579 in November 2022. We were slso warmly welcomed into the Temple of Lodge Livingston Stonefield No. 599 by RWM Brother James Christie PM, Officebearers and Brethren. We were invited to stay for Hospitality which was excellent and to thank the stewards for looking after us so well, unfortunately I didn’t win a raffle prizes as  my ticket was given to the RWM Bro Desmond McGowan Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229 and guess what RWM No.1229 won a bottle of vodka. It was a great night with friends and making new ones. Few pictures with permission  


On Saturday 13th August 2022 WSW Brother George Mawhinnie and Brother Charlie MacVicar Almoner Lodge Carron 139 visited Lodge St. John Corstorphine No.788. RWM Brother Gary Clark and the Brethren warmly welcomed all into the Lodge. We witnessed an excellent EA degree worked by RWM Brother Graeme Bain and the Brethren of Lodge Cupar "O" Fife No.19 many thanks for the outstanding hospitality where we met old friends and made some new friends. A great day in Edinburgh with Lodge No.788. Pictures with kind permission.



On Saturday 20th August 2022 WSW Brother George Mawhinnie and Brother Charlie MacVicar Almoner Lodge Carron 139 visited Lodge Robert Burns Initiate No.1781 Edinburgh to witness an EA degree on one Candidate. The degree was conferred to a very high standard by RWM Brother James Reeves and his team of Officebearers. A warm welcome was extended by RWM Brother James Reeves, PM’s, Officebearers and Brethren. The hospitality afterwards was outstanding. Pictures with kind permission


Visit to Lodge St Enoch No.1288 on Friday 24th June 2022 WSW Brother George Mawhinnie and Lodge Almoner Brother Charlie MacVicar of Lodge Carron No.139 attended Bellshill Lodge Woodhall No.305 to visit Lodge St. Enoch No.1288. We were warmly received into the Temple by RWM Brother Albert Laughland and his Brethren, we witnessed the FC degree on two candidates which was conferred by Lodge Caldercruix No.1314 on this occasion by IPM Brother Scott Haviland which was an outstanding degree, IPM Brother Scott congratulated his team of officebearers on a degree well done. A cheque was presented to PM Brother DD Johnstone of Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229 by RWM Brother Albert Laughland No.1288 for his charity, PM DD No.1229, thanked all Brethren for their kind donation. The hospitality was excellent where we met old and and made new friends a grand evening was had by all. Photos by kind permission 

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