Date Comments Time
Wednesday 11th September  Mark Degree RWMM Brother Stuart Stirling & Mark OB's  7.30pm
Wednesday 25th September

Entered Apprentice Degree Lodge Officebearers

Wednesday 9th October  Entered Apprentice Degree Lodge Officebearers 7.30pm
Wednesday 23rd October Fellowcraft Degree conferred by Lodge Caldercruix No.1314  7.30pm
Wednesday 13th November

Fellowcraft Degree by Lodge Officebearers + Nominations


Wednesday 27th November Master Mason Degree by Lodge Officebearers + Elections 7.o0pm
Friday 13th December Annual Installation of RWM & Officebearers  7.00pm
Wednesday 25th December Christmas Day  
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Date  Comments Time
Wednesday 10th January Entered Apprentice Degree Lodge Officebearers 7.30pm
Wednesday 24th January Master Mason Degree Lodge Officebearers  7.30pm
Wednesday 14th February Fellowcraft Degree Lodge Camelon No.1456 7.30pm
Wednesday 28th February Entered Apprentice Degree +AGM+60 year Diploma Presentation  7.30pm
Wednesday 13th March Master Mason Degree Lodge Slammannan No.484 7.30pm
Monday 25th March Enquiry Meeting 7.00pm
Wednesday 27th March Fellowcraft Degree Lodge Zetland No.391 7.30pm
Wednesday 10th April Fellowcraft Degree Lodge Officebearers (PGL Annual Visit) 7.00pm
Wednesday 24th April Master Mason Degree Lodge Past Masters  7.30pm
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General Committee Meetings

Monday 14th August 2023 GCM + Presentation of Lodge Bye-Laws & AOCB 7.00pm
Monday 4th September 2023  GCM + Social Club Meeting 7.00pm
Monday 2nd October 2023  GCM + Social Club Meeting 7.00pm
Monday 6th November 2023 GCM + Social Club Meeting 7.00pm
Monday 4th December 2023 GCM + Social Club Meeting 7.00pm
Monday 8th January 2024 GCM + Social Club Meeting 7.00pm
Monday 12th February 2024  GCM + Social Club Meeting 7.00pm
Monday 4thMarch 2024 GCM + Social Club Meeting 7.00pm
Monday 1st April 2024 GCM + Social Club Meeting 7.00pm
Saturday 4th May 2024 GCM + Buffet Meal  5.00pm
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Social Club Events

Sunday 17th December 2023

Lodge Kids Xmas Party + Lodge Annual Xmas Raffle Draw 

Saturday 27th January 2024 Lodge Annual Burns Supper 6.00pm
Saturday 9th March 2024 Lodge Annual Seniors Treat 2.00pm
Saturday 4th May 2024 Lodge GCM & end of season Buffet Meal 5.00pm
Saturday 10th or 17th August  Lodge Almoners Afternoon Tea TBC



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